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Friday, May 18, 2007

work at home

- Make a difference

It might not make for a classic but Chelsea's offsides can make money

18 May 07 01:43:00 UTC
Guardian Unlimited - When Chelsea and Manchester United reached the FA Cup final bookmakers were initially rubbing their hands in the knowledge that they would take money for both sides. After Chelsea's injury crisis, however, all the cash ahead of tomorrow's match has ...

A Simple Way to Make Money Online

Most people believe that making money online only involves putting up a website selling a product or service, and then promoting it.

Wrong answer! On many counts, but we'll concentrate on two of them which are closely related:

1) People don't buy products, they buy solutions to their problems...

As a general rule, people don't like the thought that their hard earned money is ending up in somebody elses pocket. They will figure out if you're only in business to make money out of them and they will NOT buy your products.


If you're genuinely trying to HELP people and happen to make money while you're doing it, they won't mind and will buy from you (and remain lifelong customers).

In order to do that you must have 'empathy' with others. You must understand them, what they fear, what they like and what they dislike.

You MUST make the effort to understand them and when you do you'll find a lot of ways you can help them and make money too.

You might not be interested in developing your own products and services. In that case you will want to align yourself with a company, as an affiliate, that shares this mindset, the attitude of 'helping people' and 'making money'.

2) Promoting a product or website is not easy, but it can be simple...

If it was easy everybody would be making a fortune. The truth is most of the people you put your website or affiliate link in front of will not be interested.

In fact they'll ignore it, some people will go out of their way to ignore it.

Poof! That's you promotion efforts gone up in smoke.

Consider this scenario: You have found a solution to a problem you've had and you know that there are other people facing the same issue. If you told them about the 'cure' for their problem, what do you think they are most likely to do?

You got it! They will take a look at the solution you provided and won't mind spending money, sometimes huge amounts of money, on the 'solution to their problem.' The fact that it was your product or an affiliate product, and you made money from their purchase won't bother them in the slightest.

Now how simple is that?

It's not easy, sure, but the concept is real simple. Identify the problems people face and offer them solutions.

How can you do this?

One effective way is to build a list. Offer people solutions to their problems in exchange for their contact details. The solutions you offer will be your own products and affiliate products.

Just make sure you don't 'sell' your products to your list. Let me put it this way... people won't buy a drill because they want a drill, they want a hole. Don't sell them drills, offer them 'holes any where they want and in any size they want.'

About the author:
Colin Evans is webmaster of http://www.opti-income.comand editor of CAtZ, the newsletter that teaches you how to earn your living online.
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Make Money From Your Blog: The Fastest Way Is With Blog Posts

There are many ways of making money with a blog, but let me be very honest with you. All of them will take a long time. The Google Adsense program for instance is excellent but it will take you time to build up on your traffic so that you earn more than a couple of miserable cents at a time.

Any other affiliate program will take you months at the very least to start earning a single digit dollar amount every month. But there is another new way where a month from today you could easily be a thousand dollars richer. It is without doubt, the simplest and fastest way to make money using your blog.

This new way is by making blog posts complete with links back to the sites of clients using a leading site with numerous hungry clients seeking this service to boost their search engine rankings and traffic as quickly as possible. It is really a writing opportunity of sorts because you will be required to write about their product or offer in your own words.

The really fascinating news is that there are already bloggers who are making thousands of dollars using this opportunity and have been able to turn their blogs into money spinners, literally overnight.

If you can read simple instructions in English and have a blog that is not too new, then you can succeed with this opportunity and start making money much faster than you thought possible.

There are actually a number of different sites offering this kind of opportunity and the numbers seem to be growing by the day.

For more information on how you can make money from your blog visit my creative money making from your blog site


Published by Abels Abels @ 8:36 AM 4 comments

work at home


7 Unique Methods To Make Money Blogging Without Google AdSense

Unfortunately, too many people use Google AdSense on their blogs. 9 times out of 10, they won't even generate enough revenue to get their first paycheck - Google requires you earn $100 before they send you a paycheck. You'll need thousands upon thousands of clicks to generate enough profit to make it a worthwhile business venture.

To start breaking out from the AdSense craze, here is a list of 7 ways you can profit from your blog without resorting to AdSense:

1.) Become an affiliate marketer. Sign up at for free and find a product to promote on your blog that your audience will be interested in. If you have a large readership, affiliate marketing is the way to go.

2.) Sell Text Links. Allow people to contact you to put a link on your website to theirs. If you have a PR4 or above website, your links are valuable, and you can get hundreds of dollars monthly to sell them. Just make a note about it in your blog.

3.) Offer your services. Everyone is good at something. Talk about what you can offer people in your blog for a small fee - heck, offer to make some blog postings for someone else. People are always looking for fresh content.

4.) Sell your own advertising. Create a short ad in your Navbar promoting a service or product. If your blog is popular, people will jump on this offer like you wouldn't believe.

5.) Sell something odd or unique on eBay, and link to it from your blog. This will get buzz going and you'll profit immensely just by being original.

6.) Compile all of your blog postings over the last year and make a PDF file out of it. Sell the PDF using Paypal, and add "Editor's Notes" to your old postings.

7.) Sell your blog. Build up a huge readership, then sell it to a third party. A high traffic blog pays very well - web real estate is in high demand.

Stop using AdSense! It will distract from other methods (such as the ones listed above) that you will make more money from. Imagine how much more you could earn!

Matt Rhodes is the creator of a FREE report called "Cracking The Code: Earning $20 A Day, Every Day, With FREE Blogs." This report will show you exactly how you can earn $20 a day, every day, with blogs from Blogger - guaranteed! You can download the PDF report instantly (for free!) at:

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About the Author



Published by Abels Abels @ 12:56 AM 42 comments
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